Acts 17:28

"In Him, all things live and breath and have their being."

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Swiss Alps Get-Away

A Cozy Weekend in Gryon, Switzerland

    Weekend after weekend we traveled to a new country, went on more tours, saw more cathedrals, explored more big cities. After several, incredible, busy weekends, my friends and I decided it was time for a break. Not a break from traveling, but a break from the fast-pace routine. We were ready to get-away from it all and just enjoy each other's company without the stress of city maps or metros.We collectively decided that a relaxing, beautiful, scenic weekend was just what we needed: A weekend spent sleeping in, wearing pajamas all day, reading, and drinking coffee & hot cocoa while enjoying the amazing views of the Swiss Alps from a tiny, little town called Gryon. 

    Like usual, we set out for our weekend get-away on a Thursday evening. Traveling to Switzerland was the farthest I ever went by train, and it was going to be about 14 hours of travel before we would reach Gryon on Friday afternoon. We booked an overnight train that left from Koln, Germany, and this time, might I add, we booked a sleeper cart with beds on the overnight train (we were sure to not make the same mistake we did going to Vienna, Austria..*see Vienna blog entry if you don't know what I am talking about.*) 

Overnight trains are rough, but we love it!
    The overnight train was short, cold, and a little miserable. I woke up at six a.m. exhausted when we had to switch trains in Basil, Switzerland. We had to switch trains atleast four times, because Gryon is a very small town that doesn't attract many tourists, but that was exactly what we wanted for the weekend, so it was worth it. 

     We finally reached the town around noon on Friday, after taking a bus that literally drove us straight up a mountain. We were SO excited on the way up we were snapping pictures like the crazy tourists we are. It was pretty funny, because the few other people on the bus looked amused to see college-age travels, and I am sure they were wondering what we were doing in such a small town. But if you had been there, and could have looked out the windows on that bus ride, you would would understand why we were there, too. It was BREATH-TAKING. 

    The Swiss Alps made the Rocky Mountains of Colorado look like a joke. They were so menacing, so inspiring, and so extraordinary all at the same time. Every mountain was snow-capped and perfect. 

We could tell right away that we picked the perfect destination for our weekend get away.

Our perfect, cozy log cabin: The Chalet Martin
    It took us a whole five minutes to walk through the town to find the Chalet Martin, the Swiss Alps Retreat, which was a log cabin literally nestled into the side of a mountain! We were so excited when we saw it! It was just as perfect as all the pictures online. 

Hiking up the switchbacks to the cabin!
     To get to the cabin, we had to hike up a switchback cut into the mountainside, so we were nice and winded when we reached the cabin. We checked in, took tons of pictures, and immediately loved the place! Chalet Martin is run by a couple who met there years ago. An Australian man and an American woman who fell in love in the comfort of the cabin. So romantic! 

    Everyone staying there was young, and mostly Australian, and very friendly! We could tell right away that this was a community, and they really did make us feel like family. It was so nice to be welcomed into a place that felt like a home, and not just another busy hostel in a big city. 

Traditional Swiss Dish: Fondue
    After we settled in, we went to town for lunch and to buy groceries. We ate at a little local place that served Swiss fondue, one of Switzerland's traditional dishes. It was pretty unusual if you ask me; it tasted alright, but it was served with a pickle, onions, and one, small potato. Strange, but hey, food is part of the experience, right? When we got our checks, we realized another reason why people don't eat out in Switzerland...It was so expensive! I think I paid about 25 Swiss Franks for my little appetizer of fondue. So if you are planning on going to Switzerland, be warned. It's pricey! 

    One of the things we were most excited about was the excellent kitchen that the Chalet Martin had, and they encourage travelers to cook together and fellowship over a nice, hot meal on the cold, snowy nights. So my friends and I planned out our meals for the weekend and we walked back home with our groceries. 

    That night we all got in the kitchen and made pasta, mixed with lots of vegetables. We sat, relaxed, had some hot drinks, and then went to bed early. It was just what we needed. 
All the girls cooking together!

   The next day, we did exactly what we had planned: nothing! It was wonderful. We slept in, drank coffee, wrapped ourselves in blankets, and worked on a little homework, but mostly we just talked, met new friends, and enjoyed each other's company. We even found a few board games in the cabin that kept us vey entertained! A few of the girls went skiing, which sounded like a blast, and Kristen, my roommate caught a cold, so she went to the doctor for medicines, but felt much better afterward. But as for me and most of the group, we just enjoyed being lazy. It was a much needed, perfect, relaxing weekend. 

We got to sit around and be cozy 
while also enjoying the view of the mountains all around us. We were truly blessed, and we got exactly what we needed out of the weekend. 

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."-Psalm 19:1


  1. Hey Hannah, I'm jealous about your adventures.Switzerland looks to be nice place to visit! I bet you had such a wonderful time there. Really relaxing... Your train left from the city where my aunt lives in Germany, Koln. It's a big coincidence... I think you are already in US, hope everything is great with you! have fun
