Acts 17:28

"In Him, all things live and breath and have their being."

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ireland is Ourland

I just can't say enough good about this place! 

I've already discussed the landscape and facts about this majestic country, but I have yet to talk about my personal experiences from my trip! 

After taking our last finals in Maastricht, Carissa and I flew from Brussels into Dublin on the night of March 31st. When we got to Dublin, it was after midnight, and we took the last bus from the airport to O'Connell Street in the city center. When we got there, we had no clue where our hostel was. We were standing on the street, looking like the lost tourists we made fun of, and all of the sudden a sweet lady come up and asked if she could help us out. (What a great start to the week...I love this place already!) She walked us all the way to our hostel, making conversation and giving us advice on good places to go and see in the city. She kissed us goodbye and wished us a great stay in Dublin. I knew I was going to like it here. 

The next morning, Carissa and I grabbed breakfast at O'Brian's cafe, and caught the early bus right back to the airport to meet my parents! We hadn't seen them since we waved goodbye at the airport in Dallas more than two months beforehand, so we were all really excited! We ran to meet them (yes, cheesy, whatever) and exchanged our hello's and hugs as we walked to get a rental car. Dad signed the papers and we walked out to find our car.....I guess Dad hadn't really thought through the whole "European car" idea, because he went pale when he realized he would be driving on the opposite side of the road AND the opposite side of the car. OHHH boy. Dad kind of chuckled as he packed in the luggage into the not-so-spacious trunk and climbed into the "wrong side" of the car. Needless to say, Mom, Carissa, and I were TERRIFIED. 

If you've ever watched The Holiday with Cameron Diaz, you know what I'm talking about. While the whole "driving on the opposite side of the road" experience looks funny, it's actually horrifying! Everything your instincts tell you, everything you've learned, it's all wrong! (During the course of one week in Ireland, we almost died at least 10 times. If you ever decide to drive in the UK, just be forewarned. 

When we finally made it to our hotel, (we circled it at least four times, but couldn't figure out where to park with no parking lot). We decided to walk around the city and go sight-seeing. We ran into an Irish preacher along the way, and he walked us to the city center and swapped stories with my "Preacher dad." Again, we were humbled by the Irish sense of hospitality, even in the big city. We saw Temple Bar, Dublin Castle, Christ's Church, and went inside St. Patrick's Cathedral. 
St. Patrick's Cathedral

Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral

After touring the amazing and beautiful church, we asked around for a good dinner spot. We ended up at a pub called "Bull & Castle," and Mom and Dad had their first experience with traditional meals in the UK. We all ordered fish and chips, served with mushy peas. (Yes, this sounds weird...and you're is.) 

After dinner, Mom was determined to find a Starbucks, (and she thinks she's not addicted). 

After a bit of a search, we found one in the middle of the city, grabbed some frapps and walked back to our hotel. At one point, an Irish man on the street laughed at us with our Starbucks and said, "Hello Americans, enjoy Dublin!" (How can they tell?? Haha!) 

Mom and Dad fell right to sleep at about 7 p.m. Jet lag had done them in. 

The next day, we had breakfast at the hotel and then set off for our next town: Kinsale. Before we went to Kinsale, we stopped at the monastic ruins in the town of Glendalough. It was absolutely gorgeous! In this countryside are the 6th century ruins of the monastic settlement of St. Kevin, the hermit monk. This is also where Braveheart was filmed! My family and I hiked, took pictures, had a lunch picnic on the lake, got drenched in an unforeseen hail storm, and then hiked back to the car. 

We got to our bed & breakfast in Kinsale around 7 p.m. and went out on the town for dinner. Kinsale was so cute! It's an old, tiny fishing village and very touristy in the summer time, but since we were there in April, we got to see a little bit more of what regular life there is like. After dinner, we walked around a bit and then headed back to our adorable B&B. First full day in Ireland: SUCCESS. 

The next morning was Sunday, and Dad looked up some Baptist churches in the area for us to attend service. One of his main goals in Ireland was to see how they go about church. Seeing as how the South of Ireland is dominated by Catholicism, it was hard to find many Baptist churches. There were only about 3 within a driving distance! (VERY different for us, coming from Texas, where Baptist churches seem to be on every corner, like Starbucks in NYC). We ended up at a cute, little church in a nearby town called Bandon. The service was small, quaint and traditional, and the message was simple. We LOVED it! Of course everyone there could tell right away that we were visitors, and we stayed at least an hour after church and talked people and even made plans for a coffee date with a deacon and his wife for the following day! It was such a blessing. 

After church, we drove to the town of Blarney, where the famous "Blarney stone and castle" are located. We were fortunate to have sunny, clear weather when we got there. (This rarely happens in Ireland.) 

We toured the grounds, saw the gardens, some waterfalls, druid remains, and went to the top of the castle where Carissa and I kissed the stone. Kissing the stone is one of those things you have to do in your lifetime (yes, I know, touristy), but it was worth it! 

Carissa, kissing the Blarney Stone!
The tradition of the stone is that if you kiss it, you will be able to talk your way out of anything for the rest of your life). Seeing as how I am thinking of going into politics or law, I thought this was an ESSENTIAL decision. (Haha.) We also went and saw the Blarney house, which was jsut recently bought by a bachelor in his 50s.... Single, rich, Irish....hmmm.. Haha. Maybe someday.

The next day we reluctantly left Kinsale, but not until after we met our new Irish friends for our coffee date at a local cafe. Brian and Dorothy Jeffers, the sweetest little couple from the church were the most precious people ever! They told stories, talked about their faith, their lives, their love, and even gave us a CD of their homemade organ music. They told us that if we ever came back to Kinsale, we had a place to stay. What a blessing! 

That afternoon, we drove through part of the famous Ring of Kerry. Unfortunately, it was pretty foggy and rainy, but we could still see some of the beautiful countryside, sheep everywhere, cliffs,  and hills. We stopped for pictures all along the way. 

We reached the town of Killarney that evening, and it was rainy and freezing. We settled in to our bed and breakfast and then went to dinner at an awesome little pub called Murphy's. It was so cozy inside, and I appreciated the fact that we appeared to be the only tourists there. Our waiter was hilarious, telling us stories and sharing memories about his few American friends. Carissa got fish and chips, I tried the Shepphard's pie, and my parents got Irish stew. Hot food, family, and live Irish music at a local spot on a rainy night. It was perfect! 

Toric Waterfall in Killarney National Park
The next day it was still rainy and cold, but we only had that morning to explore Killarney before we were setting off for Galway, so we "roughed it" anyway. We went and walked the grounds of the Muckross house and hiked a little in the Killarney National Park, where we saw the Toric waterfall. It was SO windy and cold, but we had a great time! 
At the Muckross House in Killarney

We drove to Galway that afternoon, and went to a B&B that had been recommended to us by someone at the church in Bandon. It was right on the promenade (AKA boardwalk) on the Galway bay! When we got there, we were welcomed in by the sweetest Irish woman and she immediately brought out hot coffee, tea, and treats. We sat in the living room and visited with her for at least an hour. She was so funny and fiesty! 

Carissa and I, at one of the Portal Tombs in the Burren
We walked to dinner a little while later, to a traditional Irish restaurant recommended to us by our new, favorite B&B hostess. After dinner, Dad went back to get the car since it was cold and rainy outside. (As usual, I guess, haha). While we waited, I left to use the restroom and came back to find Mom and Carissa getting hit on by an local who had probably had a little too much Guinness that evening.... It was pretty funny. Mom's reaction was hilarious. A man at the restaurant came and "shooed" him off, right about that time Dad was out with the car. I guess we got a little of every experience in Ireland. 

The next day, we were picked up right at our door by a Galway tour bus and set out for an all-day tour of the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher! The Burren was really a cool thing to see because it's one of the largest Karst landscapes in the world, and within the Burren are several portal tombs that are hundreds of years old. 

The Cliffs of Moher
The Cliffs of Moher were so magestic! We were really lucky to be there on a clear day, so the cliffs were completely visible. While I've seen my fair share of cliffs, none compare to the Cliffs of Moher. These cliffs are so flat, smooth and green on top, and then, abruptly stop: a menacing drop-off. It was SO windy the day we were there, we were scared to get too close to the edge! 

Me, Carissa, Mom & Dad at the Cliffs
We didn't get back to Galway until around 7 p.m. When we did, we took the car and drove to another recommended dinner spot in town. It was rainy and cold, (like usual), and we quickly ran inside the cozy little restaurant. That night, we took hot showers and went to bed exhausted after a fun-filled day of touring and sight-seeing. 

The next morning, we had a wonderful, Irish breakfast at our B&B, and left with much dismay after chatting all morning with the sweet B&B owner. I am really going to miss these sweet, Irish folk! 

We drove back towards Dublin, and made a stop in the village of Howth, which is just outside the city. I thought after seeing the Burren and the Cliffs of Moher, NOTHING else I saw in Ireland could compare....Well, I was wrong. 

The cliffside hike in Howth was by far the best thing I did in Ireland. It was beautiful and sunny out, and on our last day in this precious country, we spent our time laughing, hiking, taking pictures, and soaking up our time together just as much as the views.


The Cliffside of Howth

Our last day in Ireland: spent just as it should be. 

The next morning, my parents dropped us off at the airport. (Our flight was a few hours earlier than my parents). We hugged and kissed them goodbye, and bid farewell to the most beautiful country, the most welcoming people, and the richest culture I've ever experienced. 

GALWAY GIRL- Ireland Adventures....Wish this was my life! Haha.

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